Nuevo is a small village that belongs to the municipality of Lupiñén-Ortilla.
Its inner city is based in a level land. Streets are wide and houses rise in ample parcels that count on spaces dedicated to the different necessities from the rural life like corrals, orchards, barns...
The mixture of this type of constructions between the houses causes that this small village looks like to a consolidated inner city. Since due to the amplitude and independence in the distribution of constructions we could say that this locality arose spontaneously in a crossroad.
Its parochial temple is dedicated to Saint Saviour and it belongs to second half of century XII. It was constructed with ashlar masonry and it has a nave with five separated sections by arcs pointed that are supported in braces.
There is not choir nor sacristy and the vanes have a form of loophole. There is only a vane in the feet of the church and another one in the wall of the epistle. The entrance has an arch of average point that is supported on smooth capitals, three archivolts and an tympanum without decoration.
The building appears like a construction of great volume that emphasizes in the surroundings in which it is situated. Last years this building was in a totally ruinous state but it has recently been rehabilitated thanks to efforts of different institutions and contributions that neighbors gave for such effect.