Identification: The Green Sandpiper is closely related to the Wood and Common Sandpipers but is the biggest and bulkiest in this group. They almost invariably look contrastingly dark above and light below, indeed almost black and white, with the dark head and breast coming to an abrupt end level with the bottom edge of the wings, isolating the white belly. The wings and mantle show only faint pale spots and there is a striking white line from the bill, round the eye and back again. Green Sandpipers move rather slowly and frequently bob like Common Sandpipers. In flight they again look black-and-white, the white rump contrasting with the dark back and dark underwings almost like a big House Martin.
Habitat: Breeds in damp forests. Winters on muddy streams, ditches and marshes.
Distribution: A fairly common passage migrant between June-August, mainly on the coast but also inland. A few birds winter, usually inland. A summer visitor to marshy forests in Scandinavia, Poland and areas further east. They are rather local in occurrence but I know several sites near Sodankyla (Finland) and in the Bialowiesa Forest (Poland). They are easier to find as passage visitors to wetlands throughout Europe, usually in small numbers and wintering birds can be found at many scattered sites.
Population: About 750 birds winter in the south of Britain and Ireland. The population of Europe contains 150-200,000 breeding pairs.