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 Song Thrush  (Turdus philomelos )



Identification: Its brown plumage and speckled chest is typical of a thrush. It lacks the white eye stripes of a Redwing and so is most easily mistaken for a Mistle Thrush. The Song Thrush, however, is smaller, more neatly proportioned, with warm brown upperparts and a rather dark face. It lacks the white tips to the corners of the tail and the white edges to many of the wing feathers shown by a Mistle Thrush. The underwing coverts are clearly orange, but not as deep and red as in a Redwing, which is a potential source of confusion.

Habitat: Breeds and winters in gardens, farmland, woodland and hedges.

Distribution: A common species across Britain, although has recently suffered large declines. In winter and autumn numbers are swollen by European birds.

Widespread and numerous in most of Europe, although in many areas of southern Europe they are restricted to hilly or mountainous regions.

Population: 990 000 territories have been estimated for Britain and a further 390 000 for Ireland.

14-18 million breeding pairs widespread across north-western Europe but rare in Spain, Italy and Greece. Finland, Germany, Sweden and Britain support the largest numbers.

 Source: Internet
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