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 Whinchat  (Saxicola rubetra )



Identification: Whinchats are most often seen sitting attractively on posts, wires or the tops of tall stalks of bracken or other vegetation. Their plump outline, upright posture and orangy underparts may be suggestive of Stonechat but, in all plumages, they have a broad pale supercilium and streaky brown mantle more reminiscent of a Sedge Warbler. Whinchats also have pale white patches at the base of the tail which are diagnostic but hard to see.

Habitat: Breeds on rough grassland, heathland, bracken-covered hillsides and young conifer plantations.

Distribution: A widespread but fairly uncommon summer visitor, mainly to upland moorland areas of Britain. More common as a passage bird in spring and autumn, mainly to the east and south coasts.

Widespread in much of Europe but usually only locally common, except perhaps in Scandinavia where they are very easy to locate.

Population: 14 000-28 000 breeding pairs most common in Wales, the north of England and Scotland. Ireland has 1 250-2 500 breeding pairs.

2-3 million breeding pairs, mainly across north-west, central and eastern Europe. Populations in south and western Europe are scattered. Europe constitutes more than 75% of the World's breeding population.

 Source: Internet
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