Identification: The all-black male with his bright yellow bill is unmistakable and the female is distinctively dark brown all over with only obscure streaking on the breast.
Habitat: Breeds and winters in woods, farmland, gardens, wasteground and hedges.
Distribution: An abundant resident throughout Britain, with numbers being swelled in the autumn and winter by birds from the continent.
Widespread and numerous in most of Europe, although in many areas of southern Europe they are restricted to hilly or mountainous regions.
Population: An estimation of Blackbird territories places the figure at around 4 400 000 for Britain with 1 800 000 for Ireland. The bird is generally ubiquitous across the British Isles but less common in the Scottish Highlands. European visitors during winter swell this figure to almost 20 000 000 birds in Britain and Ireland.
The total population ranges from 37-55 million breeding pairs found throughout Europe.