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 Common whitethroat  (Sylvia communis )

Identification: The clean white throat is distinctive but not diagnostic so you must also look for the rich rusty-red colour of its wings. The fairly long, white-edged tail is also a useful feature as is the obvious white eye-ring which together with the raised crown feathers often gives the Whitethroat a startled appearance. The White throat may be confused with a Spectacled Warbler but the Whitethroat has more contasting terials.

Habitat: Breeds in hedgerows and scrub on farmland, heathland and woodland margins.

Distribution: An extremely common summer visitor, except in north-west Scotland where it is more local, and the Northern Isles where it is virtually absent.

Widespread and common throughout most of Europe.

Population: An estimated 660 000 territories in Britain and a further 120 000 in Ireland. Widespread throughout England, Wales and Ireland, but rare in the Scottish Highlands. Most common in eastern England.

6-9 million breeding pairs. Rare or absent from the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula and the Scandinavian Highlands.

 Source: Internet
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