Status and distribution Breeds over most of Iberia (except northern coastal strip), in a limited area of southern France, mainly on the coast and north in the Rhone Valley, the coast of western Italy, in small numbers in northern Greece and over much of west & central Turkey. Also in Cyprus, parts of the Near East and north Iraq, and in the Nile Valley. Has bred in Sardinia and Yugoslavia and formerly a regular breeder in North-West Africa.
A summer visitor to most of Western Palearctic range but resident in southern Spain.
Most winter in Africa south of the Sahara but small numbers are regularly present in winter in north & west Morocco and in the Ahaggar of south-east Algeria.
Vagrants have occurred in most European countries north to Norway, Sweden and Finland, also recorded on Madeira, in Jordan and Kuwait.
British records (c.42), mainly in the south of England in spring. Also recorded in the Channel Is.
Habitat Dry savanna and parkland with some scrub and scattered trees, open forest and forest edge.