The hermitage of Saint Michael is located on the mount that takes its same name. When you approach the locality of Ayerbe, the first thing you can see when arriving is the mount of Saint Michael and on it there is the hermitage, nowadays still most beautiful because it has been recovered and illuminated recently. Under this image that seems of postcard, is the town of Ayerbe.
As a result of the conquest, in 1.083, from the Muslim Castle of Ayerbe by part the troops of Sancho Ramírez, in the top of the mount, under protection of the strength and in the most level land included between the present hermitage and the zone that knows by OS MUROS, arose a population, inhabited by agriculturists, cattle dealers and people to the service of the castle that originated the primitive Ayerbe. Its location in this place obeyed to the lack of security on the feet of the mount, since the zone still was not free of the danger of possible Muslim incursions.
That small existing population was located near the castle because it transmitted to its settlers certain confidence in case of being attacked, because they could take refuge in the same one. These settlers would have like parochial temple the Church of Saint Michael. When these settlers descended to the present location of the village of Ayerbe, the church of Saint Michael happened to be a hermitage.
Perhaps of the medieval temple the only thing is conserved is the apse Romanesque that was in the primitive parochial church of Ayerbe of end of century XI and principles of the XII. This apse is adorned in its interior and outside by a simple molding and a splayed window. Perhaps the rest of the building comes from a reconstruction of end of century XVIII and principles of XIX. At the begining of the Sixties of century XX the hermitage was restored in the existing terrace on which it was the house of the heremit.
The building is based on a little stable land that moves and suffers. This repels in its structure and for that reason it is neccesary to build in it every certain period of time to consolidate its walls.
The altarpiece of this hermitage comes from the disappear temple of the Sancti Spiritu, of Huesca. It is of the first third of century XVII and it is made of golden wood. It still shows some Renaissance adornments in its decoration. Catch specially the eye of the visitor that a part of the fuste of its columns instead of flutes shows grudges, decorative element that also can be contemplated in the Tower of the Clock of Ayerbe and in the facade of the old House of the Tithes. This altarpiece has been recovered recently.
The image of the titular saint was robbed years ago and attracked attention by the kindness that seemed to radiate of the face of the Archangel in contrast to the ugliness of the devil. Saint Michael grasped with its right hand a sword brandishing it in stop on its head, while Satan returning its face upwards watched it with rage. The present image of Saint Michael is modern and it is made with plaster.
Formerly and under the sponsorship of Saint Michael existed a brotherhood that today is missing. In this hermitage also a bell existed whose tolled announced different events like fires, storms... This bell was robbed about seven years ago. It had the name of Victory and it was dedicated to Saint Michael and Saint Barbare. At the present time a new bell was acquired thanks to the effort of the neighbors to replace the old one.
Formerly people went to the hermitage of Saint Michael twice a year. The first time, the day of The Saint Cross of May to bless the terms and the second one, the 29 of September to celebrate the liturgical festivity of Saint Michael, the saint to whom is dedicated this hermitage.
At the beginning of the Sixties and already in the century XX, the mount of Saint Michael was object of a forest repoblación with pines. This caused that the mount has the present aspect that today we can contemplate.
The past 7 of September of 2.002 and agreeing with the celebration of the Celebrations of Saint Leticia, the hermitage of Saint Michael was used for the first time after three years of intense works to be recovered. It caused all people of Ayerbe are proud of it and can enjoy of it by many years. The effort made by all has been worth while.