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It is located in the Mountain Range Caballera, at the beginning of the precipice of Saint Quitery or Saint Cristopher. The enclosure of the hermitage was delimited in one of the cavities of the rock located to about 30 meters of the precipice, to medium height, of an enormous granitic wall.

The access to it is difficult. To go up the last section there is a narrow and lofty stoned steps. The rock provides the ground, the ceiling and one of the fronts of the enclosure that is closed by means of a long wall made of rubblework raised in the same edge of the precipice.

The cavity is divided in several sections. The cetral section was the hermitage. Inside of it there are rest of a table-altar and an altarpiece made in plaster. They probably belong to the century XVII. They still conserve decoration of elementary design and rough invoice. On the wall covered with lime, they guess to rest of paintings made with similar schematics lines of romanesque paintings. The subject of these paintings is the Announcement.

This hermitage is dedicated to Saint Cristopher and it seems an old place of cult where a group of hermits practiced the oration and silence. In century XVII, perhaps lost the memory of the first renters, some pilgrims wnet to this hermitage to celebrate the festivitie of Saint Cristopher in the month of July. This place is one of the sets that better represent the form to live the Christianity in their beginnings.

At the moment, the enclosure is totally left and in ruins.


 Town: Aniés
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