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There is not rosemary in Loarre

(History of Loarre)

In the book " History of the Huesca´s Diocese " whose author is Don Damián Peñart and Peñart, this legend is told of the following form:

It references to two ecclesiastics who came from France carrying the rest of Saint Demetrio in a mule. When they were crossing Jaca, the Christian community wanted to take control of such relics and to solve such problem, the clergymen chose to place the ballot-box with the rest of the saint in the back of a mule to whom they bandaged the eyes. They let march to the animal to his will and the place in which the animal stopped would be the possessor of so appraised treasure. They made this because they thought that the passage was going to be short.

Position it in execution, the animal followed by some people, began its untiring and tenacious walking. It crossed thicknesses and mountainous areas and after ten leguas, it arrived to a rocky crag in the environs of Loarre, more concretely in the one than it was the old Roman city called Calagurris Julia Nasica where, not far from its castle, the mule encountered over a rosemary bush, and both fell with so bad luck that died. But before dying, Saint Demetrio, gotten upset, said that already never it would be born more rosemary in the mount of Loarre. It is in that precise place where the hermitage of Sanit Marina was elevated. It happened thus. Rosemary in muga of other towns can be found, but not in the mount of Loarre.

Later the relics were moved to the temple of Saint Peter of Valverde which comprised of the Castle of Loarre. There the relics remained in the primitive ballot-box until the 5 of May of 1505. Later, they the relics were moved to the church of Saint Stephen of the Orchard in The Loarre´s Villa, doing perpetual vote to transfer them, in procession, every year the day of the Ascent of The Lord, to the one of Saint Peter of Valverde, in the mentioned strength, to celebrate the offices and to venerate to him with all solemnity .

The neighbors and inhabitants of The Loarre´s Villa, taken of their fervent devotion and thanked for the constant favors and consolations obtained by the intervention of Saint Demetrio through the centuries, in their necessities of waters, illnesses and other adversities and wishing to conserve with greater security and decency their sacred relics, made to construct a new ballot-box. It was a pentagonal ballot-box with linked crystals of silver, three handspans of latitude, handspan and means of length and half height twig, with adornments of several laurels and caught roses of silver with their screws, and two handles to the flanks, also of silver, and one lock with key, shield and shell of so appraised metal.

 Town: Loarre
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