D.Lucas Duarte, member of the lowest, (ordinary Judge in Corona of Aragón), neighbor of Ayerbe´s Villa, in name of the Council of this Villa and the places of Biscarrués, Losanglis, Piedramorrera and Fontellas, shows before the Notary Francisco Antonio de Fuentes that:
Overwhelmed by the drought, the neighbors of the mentioned places, the monks of the convent of the church of Saint Peter and other religious authorities determined to go in procession to the hermitage of the Virgin of Casbas and to transfer its image to the parochial Church of Saint Peter so it interyielded before God. The image was deposited there during nine days, after which it was restituted to his place. At this moment it began to rain with force and the harvest was saved.
So this miracle did not forget a pilgrimage to the hermiatge was officially instituted. It will be made the first day of the month of June.