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In the cave of the precipice a moor queen lived and another cave nearest to the first one was occupied by a moor King. Both were in loved. It was such the majesty of the moor queen that she was served by an old woman who was from Petrico´s House and she went to comb the queen every day.

Apparently, the old lady never received compensates by so delicate task. Finally, a day it was compensated by a flock of cows. The queen noticed to the lady that she did not watch back, the place where the cows had appeared, because if it did cows would disperse by the mount to become in anything. She could only turn the head when the last cow of the herd had entered to her house´s yard.

With great satisfaction and not less curiosity the old lady followed by infernal roars and big cowbells went to the footpath to the village. The lady thought that by the noise that cows made they would be a great number of heads.

She did not take in arriving to the town and in the yard of her house numerous and magnificent units began to march in front of her astonished eyes.

The lady has already lost the account of how many cows had entered to the yard and, to his backs, it gave the sensation of the flock did not finish yet. The lady asked herself about how many cows would have to enter yet to the yard. The anxiety of the lady took to forget to the warning that the Moor Queen gave to her: " you must not watch back after anything ". The lady turned the head and, indeed, a great herd of cows that covered all its surroundings immediately disappeared. The cows already locked up began to leave the yard too. Finally the old lady could close the door of the yard of her house but almost all the animals had disappeared. Only few cows catched in the yard will be able to remember to the old lady what is the price of her curiosity.

 Town: Rasal
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